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Active Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Platform Team Workboards (External Code Reviews)

Switch to All Tasks 46 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T153815 T153815: Allow global groups to be assigned temporarily (expire) open Medium (orange) TTO (This, that and the other) Majavah (Taavi Väänänen)
T157658 T157658: Factor out a backend from EditPage open Medium (orange) tstarling (Tim Starling) DannyS712
T174513 T174513: Maintenance script to cleanup querycache open Needs Triage (violet) Reedy (Sam Reed)
    T193980 T193980: Write a global function to help assign rights to a user group open Medium (orange) RazeSoldier (星耀晨曦) RazeSoldier (星耀晨曦)
      T199393 T199393: Reproducible deadlock in User::addToDatabase() when api.php?action=createaccount is called simultaneously by several users open Medium (orange) edwardspec (Edward Chernenko)
        T200259 T200259: ContribsPager should use a unique criterion for paging open Low (yellow) WMDE-Fisch (Christoph Jauera (WMDE))
          T20654 T20654: EditPage.php needs rewrite: Separate DB and UI logic open Medium (orange) Catrope (Roan Kattouw) DannyS712
          T222402 T222402: Page or file undelete/restore requests can deadlock (Fatal DBQueryError) open Medium (orange) Amorymeltzer
            T227376 T227376: Move callers away from getMainObjectStash() that do not need it open Medium (orange) aaron (Aaron Schulz) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
            T231401 T231401: MassMessage: add module to query content of MassMessageListContent pages open Medium (orange) DannyS712 DannyS712
              T234455 T234455: Decouple simple Memcached interface and support pipelined operations without dependency on PECL open Needs Triage (violet) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                T236414 T236414: CPT review/work for MediaWiki caching class maintenance ramp-up open Medium (orange) aaron (Aaron Schulz)
                  T237505 T237505: Globaluserinfo API module should allow getting data for more than one user at once open Medium (orange) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                    T240685 T240685: MediaWiki Prometheus support open High (red) colewhite (cwhite) colewhite (cwhite)
                    T241618 T241618: GlobalCssJs needs uses of global $wgUser removed open Needs Triage (violet) DannyS712 DannyS712
                      T245310 T245310: API calls ignoring cmendsortkeyprefix parameter when continue parameter is present open Low (yellow) William_Avery Scheleon (Shubham Kumar)
                        T245964 T245964: Split up and servicify ChangeTags class open Medium (orange) DannyS712
                          T246377 T246377: ObjectFactory needs a way to inject configuration settings into objects. open Medium (orange) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) DannyS712
                            T247190 T247190: Complete TitleFactory to be a real factory service open Low (yellow) Daimona
                              T249976 T249976: Convert searchindex UNIQUE to PK open Medium (orange) Reedy (Sam Reed)
                                T251066 T251066: MediaWiki:Missing-revision should provide link to deleted revision for administrators open Medium (orange) ToBeFree (Tobias Frei)
                                  T251851 T251851: Move remaining user rights methods to PermissionManager open Medium (orange) DannyS712 daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                    T252170 T252170: Expand code coverage in the includes/Revision/ directory open Medium (orange) DannyS712 DannyS712
                                      T252907 T252907: Reduce public variables and methods in EditPage open Needs Triage (violet) DannyS712
                                        T252962 T252962: Move "templates on this page" logic out of EditPage open Medium (orange) DannyS712 DannyS712
                                          T252980 T252980: Support revision/change tags for PageTriage API actions open Medium (orange) Amorymeltzer DannyS712
                                            T253078 T253078: Create ActionFactory, add dependency injection to actions open Low (yellow) DannyS712
                                            T253184 T253184: Convert SiteStats to a service with dependency injection open Low (yellow) DannyS712 DannyS712
                                              T253717 T253717: Add a factory service for `ManualLogEntry` objects open Needs Triage (violet) DannyS712
                                                T254631 T254631: metadata is in the <body> rather than the <head> open Low (yellow) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                  T256535 T256535: Same-Origin policy prevents reading HTML pages cross-origin open Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                    T256706 T256706: Add a script to back fill missing user rights expirations open Medium (orange) DannyS712 DannyS712
                                                      T258314 T258314: Remove remaining uses of Revision objects in extensions open Needs Triage (violet) DannyS712
                                                      T260959 T260959: MediaWiki\Rest\HttpException should support 3xx codes and wrapped Responses open Medium (orange) cscott (C. Scott Ananian)
                                                        T262712 T262712: Status 405 Method Not Allowed on /oauth2/request/profile with OPTIONS open High (red) eprodromou (Evan Prodromou)
                                                          T263927 T263927: MediaWiki user and password fields should have the proper autocomplete value open Needs Triage (violet) Tgr (Gergő Tisza)
                                                          T264794 T264794: SessionManager should not emit Set-Cookies on session renewal open Needs Triage (violet) Tgr (Gergő Tisza)
                                                            T265541 T265541: Make class SpecialEmailUser a real special page and move all helper function to own service open Needs Triage (violet) Umherirrender (Umherirrender) DannyS712
                                                              T265559 T265559: Deprecate $options['specIsArg'] in favor of $spec['spec_is_arg'] open Medium (orange) DannyS712 DannyS712
                                                                T270871 T270871: Update GlobalBlocking to use the new HookContainer/HookRunner system open Needs Triage (violet) Majavah (Taavi Väänänen) Majavah (Taavi Väänänen)
                                                                  T277255 T277255: MassMessageHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation uses hard deprecated title methods open Needs Triage (violet) DannyS712 Urbanecm
                                                                    T27909 T27909: Add a drop-down list for the tags in Special:Newpages, Special:Log and Special:Contributions open Medium (orange) Seb35 (Seb35)
                                                                    T283298 T283298: Phan failed to catch undefined variable (retro for T282834) open Needs Triage (violet) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                                                      T284020 T284020: Support bot passwords in the REST API open Needs Triage (violet) Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE (Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE))
                                                                        T36801 T36801: Function applyDiffStyle uses regexes which do not detect CSS classes appropriately open Medium (orange) He7d3r (Helder) subins2000 (Subin)
                                                                          T5324 T5324: On redirect pages, "article" tab in top bar should lead to nonredirected page (&redirect=no) open Lowest (sky) bzimport (bugzilla import bot) Agabi10