This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Active Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: MediaWiki-Page-diffs

Switch to All Tasks 8 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T171726 T171726: MobileDiff with inconsistent linebreaks within words open Medium (orange) hgzh
    T183061 T183061: Feature Request: Add a tag to imported revisions to easily identify them in edit history open Low (yellow) Xaosflux (Xaos Flux)
      T193690 T193690: RFC: How should we fix the undeletion system? stalled Medium (orange) GeoffreyT2000 (Geoffrey Trang)
        T199307 T199307: Determine treatment for empty lines in diffs open Medium (orange) ovasileva (Olga Vasileva)
        T201848 T201848: Make DifferenceEngine callers pass revisions, not contents open Medium (orange) Tgr (Gergő Tisza)
          T36801 T36801: Function applyDiffStyle uses regexes which do not detect CSS classes appropriately open Medium (orange) He7d3r (Helder) subins2000 (Subin)
            T5185 T5185: Page move rollback should not leave a redirect open Low (yellow) bzimport (bugzilla import bot)
              T88044 T88044: Make rollback use POST instead of GET (use AJAX in GUI) stalled High (red) aaron (Aaron Schulz)