T238464: PLURAL magicword not parsed during installation: "Password must be at least {{PLURAL:10|1 character|10 characters}}"
From cpt
Phabricator Link | T238464 |
Status | resolved |
Priority | Needs Triage (violet) |
Points | |
Phabricator Task Created | 2019/11/16 01:02 AM |
Wiki Page Created | 2020/02/15 12:48 PM |
Phabricator Task Last Modified | 2020/04/11 12:52 AM |
Wiki Page Last Updated | 2020/07/27 06:19 AM |
Phabricator Task Closed | 2020/03/03 11:39 AM |
Authored By | Ammarpad |
Assigned To | Tobi_406 (Tobi) |
Projects |
Platform Engineering Initiative Column | |
Platform Team Workboards Column | Clinic Duty Team: External Code Review In Progress |
Subtasks | |
Parent Tasks |
Column Transitions: (Added project: ⇑, Removed project: ⇓,Entered column: ⇒, Exited column: ⇐)
Project | Column | Date |
⇑ MediaWiki-Parser | 16 November 2019 | |
⇑ MediaWiki-Installer | 16 November 2019 | |
⇓ MediaWiki-Parser | 31 December 2019 | |
⇑ MediaWiki-Internationalization | 31 December 2019 | |
⇑ Patch-For-Review | 8 February 2020 | |
⇑ Platform Engineering | 15 February 2020 | |
⇓ Platform Engineering | 18 February 2020 | |
⇑ Platform Team Workboards (Clinic Duty Team) | 18 February 2020 | |
Platform Team Workboards (Clinic Duty Team) | ⇐ Inbox | 18 February 2020 |
Platform Team Workboards (Clinic Duty Team) | ⇒ External Code Review In Progress | 18 February 2020 |
⇑ MW-1.35-notes (1.35.0-wmf.21; 2020-02-25) | 18 February 2020 | |
⇓ Patch-For-Review | 18 February 2020 |