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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: TechCom-RFC

Switch to Active Tasks 33 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T105766 T105766: RFC: Dependency graph storage; sketch: adjacency list in DB invalid Medium (orange)
    T106099 T106099: RFC: Page composition using service workers and server-side JS fall-back declined Medium (orange)
    T111588 T111588: RFC: API-driven web front-end declined Medium (orange)
    T113034 T113034: RFC: Overhaul Interwiki map, unify with Sites and WikiMap open Medium (orange)
    T114072 T114072: <section> tags for MediaWiki sections resolved Medium (orange)
    T119043 T119043: Graph/Graphoid/Kartographer - data storage architecture declined Low (yellow)
      T120085 T120085: RFC: Serve Main Page of Wikimedia wikis from a consistent URL open Medium (orange)
        T122942 T122942: RFC: Support language variants in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
          T128602 T128602: RFC: Backend for synchronized data from Wikipedia mobile apps open Needs Triage (violet)
            T130663 T130663: WIP RFC: Reference API requirements and options invalid Low (yellow)
              T133452 T133452: RFC: Create temporary accounts for anonymous editors open Needs Triage (violet)
                T149239 T149239: Ensure consistency of secondary data for external consumers declined Needs Triage (violet)
                T149847 T149847: RFC: Use content hash based image / thumb URLs open Medium (orange)
                  T154675 T154675: Introduce a listener interface for LinkRenderer hooks invalid Needs Triage (violet)
                    T167906 T167906: Make API usage limits easier to understand, implement, and more adaptive to varying request costs / concurrency limiting declined Medium (orange)
                      T18691 T18691: RFC: Section header "share" link open Medium (orange)
                      T193690 T193690: RFC: How should we fix the undeletion system? stalled Medium (orange)
                        T197493 T197493: RFC: Track the usage of parser functions and tags open Needs Triage (violet)
                          T208188 T208188: RFC: Partial opt-out method for Content security policy open Medium (orange)
                            T212482 T212482: RFC: Evolve hook system to support "filters" and "actions" only open Medium (orange)
                              T213505 T213505: RfC: OpenGraph descriptions in wiki pages open Medium (orange)
                              T214362 T214362: RFC: Store WikibaseQualityConstraint check data in persistent storage open Medium (orange)
                                T215465 T215465: RFC: Require use of common storage abstractions (policy) open Low (yellow)
                                  T218812 T218812: RFC: Provide the ability to have time-delayed or time-offset jobs in the job queue open Needs Triage (violet)
                                    T222224 T222224: RFC: Normalize MediaWiki link tables open Medium (orange)
                                      T240884 T240884: RFC: How to evaluate user-provided regular expressions resolved Medium (orange)
                                        T242835 T242835: RFC: Standard method for feature-management in skins/extensions stalled High (red)
                                          T249164 T249164: RFC: Better interface for generating metrics in MediaWiki open Medium (orange)
                                            T249380 T249380: RfC: Per namespace view restrictions open High (red)
                                              T267928 T267928: Configuration Modes open Medium (orange)
                                                T76575 T76575: RfC: Global scripts duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                                  T91162 T91162: RFC: Shadow namespaces stalled High (red)
                                                  T96384 T96384: Integrate file revisions with description page history stalled Medium (orange)

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