This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Multi-Content-Revisions (Deployment)

Switch to Active Tasks 12 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T174043 T174043: Deploy Multi-Content Revisions stalled Medium (orange)
T174045 T174045: DB schema migration for MCR stalled Medium (orange)
T174047 T174047: Hide deprecated/unused fields on toolforge replica [MCR] open Medium (orange)
    T183487 T183487: MCR schema migration stage 3: stop using legacy fields resolved Medium (orange)
    T183490 T183490: MCR schema migration stage 4: Migrate External Store URLs (wmf production) open Medium (orange)
    T198312 T198312: Set the WMF cluster to use the new MCR-only schema resolved Medium (orange)
    T198558 T198558: Set testwiki to use the new MCR-only schema resolved Medium (orange)
    T198559 T198559: Set Beta Cluster wikis to use the new MCR-only schema resolved Medium (orange)
    T199352 T199352: Deploy Structured Data on Commons with arbitrary Statements resolved Needs Triage (violet)
    T199375 T199375: Complete implementation and deployment of MCR SDC baseline (CDP4) resolved Medium (orange)
    T200918 T200918: Make sure code that accesses legacy pre-MCR fields triggers warnings before switching off WRITE_OLD (compat) mode. resolved Medium (orange)
      T236735 T236735: Allow WikiExporter to function with MCR-only schema resolved Needs Triage (violet)