This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Data-Engineering-Kanban

Switch to Active Tasks 18 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T215001 T215001: Revisions missing from mediawiki_revision_create resolved High (red)
T216504 T216504: page-links-change stream is assigning template propagation events to the wrong edits open Medium (orange)
    T249755 T249755: Cassandra3 migration for Analytics AQS open High (red)
    T255141 T255141: Upgrade the Cassandra AQS cluster to Cassandra 3.11 duplicate High (red)
      T257572 T257572: Set up a testing environment for the AQS Cassandra 3 migration open Needs Triage (violet)
        T282131 T282131: Determine which remaining legacy EventLogging schemas need to be migrated or decommissioned open High (red)
        T285692 T285692: Write a job entirely in Airflow with spark and/or sparkSQL open High (red)
          T288271 T288271: Make it possible to use anaconda + stacked conda envs for Airflow executors declined High (red)
            T289161 T289161: Update cassandra oozie jobs to load cassandra3 using Spark job resolved High (red)
              T290068 T290068: Check AQS with cassandra (serving + data) resolved High (red)
              T290303 T290303: Migrate WikibaseTermboxInteraction EventLogging Schema to new EventPlatform thingy open High (red)
                T291470 T291470: Repair and reload cassandra2 mediarequest_per_file data table resolved High (red)
                  T291472 T291472: Snapshot and Reload cassandra2 pageview_per_article data table from all 12 instances resolved High (red)
                    T294024 T294024: [Airflow] Automate sync'ing archiva packages to HDFS open High (red)
                    T294026 T294026: [Airflow] Create repository for Airflow DAGs open High (red)
                      T297460 T297460: Send cassandra3 (new hosts) logs to logstash open High (red)
                        T297803 T297803: Switch over the Cassandra AQS cluster to the new hosts open High (red)
                          T298516 T298516: Investigate high levels of garbage collection on new AQS nodes open High (red)