This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)

Switch to Active Tasks 11 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T28884 T28884: Add support for sorting by creation date in list=allusers API open Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
    T29615 T29615: Convert fa_deleted_user to fa_deleted_actor in filearchive table to allow deleting files by anon open Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
      T29616 T29616: Add userid of blocked user and blocker to list=blocks resolved Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif) Catrope (Roan Kattouw)
        T29617 T29617: Add userid of uploader to list=filearchive resolved Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif) Catrope (Roan Kattouw)
          T29712 T29712: add parent_id to list=deletedrevs resolved Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif) Catrope (Roan Kattouw)
            T30751 T30751: prop=info&inprop=protection sometimes shows protection multiple times declined Lowest (sky) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
            T34675 T34675: API: Allow listing of logevents per pageid open Low (yellow) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
              T35334 T35334: Remove database column page.page_restrictions from MediaWiki core stalled Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
              T35732 T35732: action=userrights: give error when user is not allowed to change userrights open Low (yellow) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
                T36356 T36356: list=watchlistraw does not set the result under "query" open Low (yellow) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif)
                  T36925 T36925: [MCR] create maintenance script for Migration of text from archive table to text table resolved Medium (orange) duplicatebug (db inactive,noenotif) Anomie